5 Wonderful Health Benefits of Strawberries That Nobody Will Tell You

Low in Sugar and High in Fiber


Strawberries are lower in sugar and higher in fiber that makes them so good for your health than most of the fruits. They contain a substantial amount of super-nutrient, fiber, which improves digestive system, prevents constipation, and also helps boost your workout results, and fat burning power.

Protect the Heart

Strawberries contain an abundance of polyphenols and antioxidants such as anthocyanins which makes them an ideal food to reduce the risks of heart disease. Anthocyanins help protect the coating of the circulatory system by preventing arteries from plaque build-up, thereby reducing the risk of heart attack.

Regulate the Blood Pressure

As mentioned above, strawberries contain plenty of anthocyanins which are strong antioxidants and protect the blood vessels from lining and plaque build-up, thereby they reduce the blood pressure. Strawberries also contain large quantities of potassium which is an important nutrient in regulating the blood pressure.

Improve your Brain Functioning

According to modern studies, strawberries are abundant in many healthy nutrients such as folate, flavonoids, potassium, and various antioxidants which serve as brain food and improve the brain functioning power. They give your memory a boost while slowing the memory decline process in older people.

Big Source of Vitamin C

If you want to load up on vitamin C then look no further than strawberries. Strawberries are a killer source of vitamin C which is consumed during stress times and prevents the development of hypertension. If you aren’t already a big fan of strawberries, you should be the one as they are a superfood. Shari’s Berries is kind of place that will get you delicious strawberries in many flavors. Do not forget to use Shari’s Berries promo codes when buying your next dipped strawberries as they will help you save a good chunk of money.
